Open and Click Trough Rates Statistics
If you really want to have high results on Open rates and Click-through rates, then you have to focus your efforts on making people do what you’re waiting them to do. It is quite easy to manage people’s actions – you just have to make your desire attractable and clear for them. The main tool you are able to use is the email message, next one – your site. That’s why you should pay more attention to make them attractive and “want to come back”.
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Email Marketing FAQ
Is it better to rent/ buy an email marketing list or to create it by myself?
It is absolutely better to create an email marketing list. There could be included the addresses without permission in rented or bought lists.
How many people would be enough for my subscriber list?
You can have an unlimited amount of people on your subscriber list. But a better way is to organize the list, to sub-divide it into different interest groups, so you can create highly targeted campaigns.
What should I do if a person belongs to multiple interest groups?
This is perfectly fine and happens all the time. You just have to be attentive and try to send only one mail to that person only receives one e-mail.
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Email marketing terms
Affirmative Consent – A demand of the Senate Commerce Committee Report for the CAN-SPAM Act which requires the recipient make some active choice or selection. Remaining passive, such as not un-checking a pre-checked box or other default Web form, is not sufficient.
Ad click rate – The ad clicks/ad views ratio (can be multiplied by 100 to express the result as a percentage)
Auto-responders – An e-mail software called for sending automatic reply to an e-mail message. In email marketing they are also used to immediately provide information to prospective customers: to send confirmation that the message has been received, to confirm subscriptions, unsubscriptions, posts, etc.
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Email Marketing
Email marketing is a new step in the process of promoting new products, urgent sales, interesting offers and revolutionary discounts. This tool presupposes a direct contact with the target-group through the means of electronic mail. Thus every email which contains any kind of advertisement information sent to a potential or permanent client could be considered email marketing.
Some internet-users do confuse email marketing with SPAM. Pay your attention on the fact that those are two big differences. Spam mailings are sent to internet-users without their permission on it. The email addresses often are collected illegally form different forums, guest books, and on-line billboards with a low protection quality. Spam mailings also do not contain any information the receiver is interested in.
Now when you already know what the email marketing is and differ it from the spam it’s time for discussing the types of email marketing. The whole email marketing could be divided by three categories: direct email, retention email and advertising in other people’s emails. Let us explain what all these mean.
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Email marketing list building
The importance of building an email marketing list of high quality cannot be underestimated. The list is a vital part of any email marketing business. What really counts is the size and quality of your list! The better the list, the more effective your email promotions and sales are. So, what to start with?
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Newsletter message content
After you did spend some time on designing the subject line it’s time to create a winning message design. Try to follow these several advices to get a successive email message.
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Email marketing statistics traps
Collecting and analyzing metrics is very important to generate whatever statistics. The question is what exact metrics you should analyze? Here is the sample list of metrics you may need, but remember, that your own list of metrics should depend on your own objectives.
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How to get rid of bounced email
During your work you will definitely run into bounced emails problem. In a lighter case you’ll have to get through a soft bounce, when the message is being returned because of temporary inability to deliver your email. But it is even worse if you get the notice that the message is permanently undeliverable. To avoid such problem you should not forget about the main rule of email list building, that this process is a permanent one. Here are some advices to help you manage and reduce bounces:
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Email marketing delivery solutions.
During your email marketing practice you can run into some problems with email delivery. All those problems can be divided by three categories: email image blocking & HTML problems, bounced emails, spam/junk mail filters.
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Permission Email Marketing Hints
Email marketing differs quite enough from any other marketing tool. Let’s say it is probably the only marketing tool that requires full loyalty of a recipient towards you and your marketing campaign, otherwise fail is guaranteed. Why it is considered so?
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