Planning an email marketing campaign.

To reach the marked goals email marketer should organize his actions, manage all the changes in the campaign and notice every statistics. Sometimes it happens that the top goal presupposes the accumulating a wider volume of subscribers.

Attracting new customers

New customers and subscribers can be found everywhere throughout the Internet. One of good enough ways to attract new customers and subscribers is to start a pay-per-click advertising program and place on every PPC landing page an opt-in invitation with a good link to your sign-up page. In just several words you have to explain all the benefits of your emailing, nevertheless beware of distracting attention of users away from you main purpose.

It also can be profitable to use third-party offers to get new visitors and potentials. However most of email marketers do not pay enough attention on creating a catchy message, preferring to use prechecked boxes on partner’s sign-in page and plane phrases, while both of them are not effective and even can destroy the reputation of the company. Using help of third-party partners should be paid attention on, the same as on choosing those partners.

If you want to increase the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign, but don’t want to attract new subscribers, the solution could be increasing email frequency. But you should be prepared to consider extra spendings, which, in fact, may not be covered by return.

Email marketing strategies

Of course email marketer should know how he/she is going to reach the aim that presupposes he/she obtains a clear strategy. If you still don’t have one, than you may develop one according to provided hints:

  • Define you EVP (email value proposition). People are limited in their possibility to open email messages and pay enough attention to each one of them. So the main aim is to create a catchy and at the same time informative statement, that could be used as subject line.
  • Integrate with other marketing channels. The times of using just email marketing for gaining enough income are far away. To succeed in email marketing campaign nowadays you have to use not only Internet, but also other means of communication with customers and subscribers such as TV trade-shows, direct mail, telemarketing, printed materials, etc.
  • It is not a secret that email marketing was much cheaper comparing to usual direct mailing. But the situation have changed in recent years and now to get a positive feedback form a email marketing campaign email marketer should spend quite much before he/she gets the income, considering all the necessary resources.

Email mistakes and correction emails

Sometimes it happens email marketer can make a mistake while messaging. Such mistakes can be serious or light ones. In case mistakes appear in your email message you should decide whether it worth sending a correction email. Here are the cases when a correction email is needed:

  • Serious misinformation of your recipient (incorrect event date; wrong pricing; mistaken product information, etc.)
  • Bad link for completing a form, transaction, downloading a white paper, etc.
  • The mistake is possible to damage your brand image, reputation or customer relationship, etc.

To reduce the mistakes appearance in your email messages try these tips:

  • Give to read the message to a “fresh” person who is always more likely to notice a mistake.
  • Pre-test your messages if everything works as needed and all the links included are good ones independently the email accounts your subscribers may have.
  • Try to organize a checklist to manage your actions during the email marketing campaign, preventing yourself of accomplishing the actions in wrong order or missing some of them.

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Saturday, September 11th, 2010 : Email Marketing : No Comments

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